You excel as an expert in your field; but that doesn't guarantee personal happiness, fulfillment on the job or strong relationships within your family.
Let's get these important parts of your life aligned.
What if alongside your advanced degree, you were awarded an additional certification, one that guaranteed confidence and skills to thrive in the less technical aspects of your career, partnerships and family?
If only. In real life, fuzzy work boundaries bleed into missed school events and skipped dinners with family. Tense family dynamics evolve into estranged adult children. Couples take their corners and stay there, unhappy and resentful. Burnt-out leaders become poor models of psychological safety for their teams and potential is lost. Professional progress and relationships become sticky and exhausting.
Life is fluid and messy. The good news is that every messy feeling, every conflict, every prickly relationship, provides the chance to step up, notice, listen deeply, become more aware, lean into growth, and align behaviors with desired outcomes. You can build insight and muscles, one step at a time, for long-lasting change. To be kind. To be brave and connected, with yourself and each other.
Our work together is designed to hold space for these messy moments, to bridge the gap between professional excellence and personal fulfillment unique to leaders, physicians, and executives like you.
How will we create long-lasting change?
By moving forward, one step at a time! Even when it's hard, even when there are barriers, even when your partner isn't changing, even when your colleagues are dragging their feet, even when your family members aren't interested in showing up, even when your organizational structure is complex and change is not the norm.
My approach adjusts to what you need right now, not just sticking to a rigid plan. Life’s fluid, and our sessions will be, too. I take a systems approach to Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching, aligning you with yourself and the complex systems around you. And, rest assured, our work together will be marked by HIPAA-compliant confidentiality and a respect for your privacy, honoring the sensitive nature of the topics we explore.
Let me leave you with this: None of us get from here to there overnight. Together, we will walk, step by step, through incremental changes. If this speaks to you, if it feels like the conversation we need to have, reach out.