What conceals your True Nature?
My True Nature can be concealed by my fear of politicians who make policy decisions guided primarily by self-interest. It can also be concealed by overwhelm and fatigue and a myriad other things.
But when I am present in my True Nature, my mind becomes clear. Swirling thoughts slow down, the anxiety I feel about accomplishing tasks quiets down, and fear about all the "what ifs..." softens.
In their place, a "knowing" seeps in, a remembering that life unfolds and that in the midst of confusion and chaos, beauty - in many forms - is abundant.
Sometimes, when I read the news or mourn my mother, I forget.
And then I remember. It is good to remember. My heart relaxes and softens.
A Hasidic master taught: There are parts of ourselves that have become deadened. When we pray this blessing we should ask ourselves, "What part of myself needs to be awakened? What should I be concerned with, that I have forgotten?"